Corporate Citizenship

The philosophy at the core of the NYK Group's corporate social responsibility (CSR) is the idea that each employee can earn the respect and trust of society through the three pillars of "sound and highly transparent management," "safe, environment-friendly operations" and "workplaces that instill pride."

Modern Slavery Act Transparency Statement - For full details please click here


Investing in society

NYK is committed to being a responsible corporate citizen. Through initiatives like staff volunteering, financial support and collaboration, we have built relationships with environmental, educational and charity organisations that reflect our Group values




The Japan Society is dedicated to the enhancement of the British-Japanese relationship since 1891. Its cultural and events programme provides opportunities for members and others interested in Japan to meet and exchange ideas and experience. NYK has particularly been supporting the Society's education programme for many years enabling it to work with teachers in the UK and to encourage partnerships between British and Japanese schools. 

Japan Society website


Seafarers UK are has been helping seafarers since 1917. It is an umbrella organisation that awards grants to other maritime charities. Seafarers also give grants to charities that help seafarer's families, including widows and children. NYK Group has been working with Seafarers UK on a number of projects and fund-raising initiatives including the 24 Peaks Challenge.

Seafarers UK website


The Marine Society & Sea Cadets exists to offer seafarers, prospective seafarers and young people a range of services to enhance their well-being and lifestyle. Evolving over more than 250 years, our support to professional seafarers today includes grants, scholarships and careers advice; the provision of libraries to ships; and distance learning through the College of the Sea. The charity also manages the activities of the Sea Cadet Corps, the nation's most enduring maritime youth charity, with almost 400 units all over the UK where 13,000 young people are actively engaged in learning nautical and life skills.

NYK aims to provide support to the charity periodically throughout the year through contribution to events such as the annual Royalist Regatta.

Marine Society and Sea Cadets website